Find relevant information
The Board publishes a news letter, Nærum Park Nyt. You can also find it on the website, under ’Bestyrelsen’ (the Board), where you will find most information.
Please also check ’Nyt fra din formand’ at, where the Board informs about current activities.
Laundry facilitiesIn Nærum Park you can use the laundry facilities if you become member of The Laundry Club.
You pay a flat rate (currently 60,00 DDK) a month and a deposit to have unlimited access to washing and drying facilities in your building.
Extra basement deposit roomsThe janitor’s office is located on Skodsborgvej 306, the basement – phone 45 56 69 67.
Office hours will appear on the sign on the door, at present (February 2012) the office is open Wednesdays 8-8.30. Outside office hours you can send a message to the answering machine, or leave a message in the mail box outside the office. You can also contact the janitor via e-mail:
It is possible to rent an extra deposit room in the basement, provided there are vacancies.